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Published: 29/11/2022

Carron Profile

All Carron baths must exceed the customers expectation in terms of performance and design. While the performance is demonstrated by their commitment to 20 and 30 year warranties, their design inspiration relies on attention to wider market conditions and trends.

Carron’s Technical Director, Jim Mathieson, explains how these external factors inspire Carron’s bath designs. “minimalism was re-emerging within the world of design. Cars, mobile phones and furniture were becoming more refined and less angular. For Carron,
we rely on the ceramic manufacturers moving in that direction, allowing Carron to create baths compatible with those designs.”

It was early 2014 when the bathroom industry began this move. “From visiting trade shows, it became apparent to me that a rimless effect had begun to emerge in WC’s and basins.

Our advantage as an independently owned and managed business is that by the time
we had travelled back to the factory, we had already decided that Carron would have a new product to launch by the end of the year.”

Jim wanted to combine his design experience with his knowledge of practical features.
“Every model we design must be marketable.
In order for the Profile range to be a success,
it had to be as close to the rimless effect as possible while still accommodating a shower screen.” Previous baths, such as the Echelon, had to compromise a showerscreen for the design. With this in mind, Jim was able to incorporate cutting edge trends with everyday functionality.

The success of the Carron Profile range has been beyond even the most optimistic expectations of Carron,
as Marketing Manager, Lynn Jarvie explains
“In 2015, we took the Profile to the market. Approaching our customers in the belief that it was so distinctive showrooms would have to embrace it. We underestimated how popular it would be... almost every account we visited

wanted one on display. The tighter rims acted as an opportunity to maximise bathing space, something that was a by product of our design.”

The Profile range now has a range of 9 sizes, including a double ended version and a Showerbath. “While our customers were raising display orders for the single ended model’

Lynn continues, ‘they were also asking for a double ended version. Within 6 months it was on the market, with the 1600x700 size proving incredibly popular for smaller bathrooms.”

Profile has established itself as a key product for Carron’s customers.

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